Key Stage 1 is a crucial time period in a child’s academic development, as they start to learn new techniques and base topics that will be the foundations of their future learning.

Our classes for Key Stage 1 are designed to ensure that students grasp the fundamental topics and to help build their confidence and ability. Some children may be working above the average level for their age group, so we can work to extend their skills and build them towards Key Stage 2.

For our Key Stage 1 pupils, we provide:

  • Online assessments to check levels and progress
  • Weekly personalised lessons in mathematics, English or a mixture of both
  • Online one-to-one classes

The new national curriculum for Key Stage 1 covers a wide base of topics to lay the groundwork to build on. Students will see topics such as fractions, times tables, comprehension and grammar. Our classes are national curriculum-based so we can provide as much support as possible with your child’s schoolwork.

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Vestibulum aliquam leo sed ultricies ullamcorper. Aliquam eu rutrum est, quis faucibus ligula. Nulla dignissim odio lorem, id imperdiet sem dignissim eget. Nullam feugiat quam nec dolor posuere tempus sed eu mauris. Phasellus tempus sapien at nunc volutpat, et convallis magna ultrices. Duis eu neque ut arcu accumsan consectetur.

  • Online assessments to check levels and progress
  • Weekly personalised lessons in mathematics, English or a mixture of both
  • Online one-to-one classes